You are here: Purchasing > Supplier Returns > Supplier Return Credit > Create Credit

Create Credit

New Return Credit transactions are created in the warehouse where the stock exists. Where the form is for an FX creditor, the FX rate populated into the grid is the current FX rate applicable to the currency the creditor uses. The rate can be changed in the form. When Credit documents are based on Return Shipping transactions (optional) selecting the Shipping record populates the grid with the lines from that doucment.


1. Purchasing Supplier Returns Supplier Return Credit
2. Click New record and select the creditor from the search window
3. Select any relevant Shippings in the Shipping grid and edit any quantity or pricing details as needed
4. Additional items or where there is no Shipping, manually enter in the part number or select from the search window or click Add From PO and select relevant details
5 Change Return Code as needed
8. Type in the quantity and select lines and quantities from the dialog box

7. Change Return Unit Value and FX Rate as needed
8. Where Return Code EX is used then complete the Exchanged Items tab
9 Save and activate

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